Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 03:12 Iron Man was awesome. #
- 03:13 You have to stay past the credits at Iron Man. #
- 03:29 From Iron Man, "Let’s be honest, this isn’t the worst thing you’ve caught me doing." #
- 03:30 @tawneyrocks It was awesome. It’s not Academy Award material, but it’s good superhero flick. #
- 03:34 Woot! Torchwood is now on iTunes. tinyurl.com/67szh4 #
- 07:22 in Comme il faut talking to @moire #
- 22:46 SL Fash Note: Fashion Militia: I know Amelia covered this a while back, but I’m tryi.. tinyurl.com/6f2yae #
- 22:49 @lethann We’re watching Numb3rs as well #
- 22:59 They had way too much fun with the running on water thing for Numb3rs #
- 23:18 @lethann :(. We were wondering where it was come 9pm. (Used to central time zone.) #
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