Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 08:19 I love change of shift transfers, they’re(?) so neat(?) and thick(?). tinyurl.com/5myzao #
- 08:49 I just love how Jott translate some words. tinyurl.com/6ov7ok #
- 15:52 Just woke up. Could sleep several more hours. #
- 16:15 I now have 129 points on Bookins.com #
- 16:46 trying to finish setting up my comcast email #
- 16:56 Okay. Managed to get my comcast email forwarded to an email address I actually use. #
- 17:02 I wonder where @Amelia_Book is…. #
- 17:28 @akelatal My cats would agree with you. #
- 17:40 Trying out TripIt.com now that I am traveling so much. I may quit using it, but I’m liking it okay at the moment. #
- 17:41 Boo is curled up beside me. #
- 23:12 Made it to Cookeville. @Amelia_Book opted for a hotel. Got to get up in the morning and clean like cleaning fiends. #
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