Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 08:25 @lethann Yes, but I’ve asked Goodwill. They do NOT want underwear. So the underwear gets tossed. Clothes go to Goodwill. #
- 08:33 And clothes that get worn the most goes in the closet/drawers first. If I have too much to fit in, it goes. Otherwise I have too much. #
- 08:36 Had good night at work.Almost said the B word several times. Never say Bored. Because it will make you wish you were bored. It will go crazy #
- 16:12 I’m off to go get my Driver’s License changed. #
- 17:19 I just got the call I am working CDU tonight. Think the most hated parts of med-surg and ER. #
- 18:28 @Amelia_Book rush hour there lasts about 2-3 hours #
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