Found a bunch of old humor stuff I’d saved from my day at the big Highland Forum. It’s from various authors….
by zigmund 12 Mar 1997 on the Gathering Forum
10. Anytime you say a name that begins with Adrian you end it with Paul.
9. #10+ you don’t even realize you’ve done it.
8. Your schedule is built around how much time you’ll have for e-mail
7. Everytime you think of an idea it comes in 10 parts and includes at least one character from the HL series.
6. You forget how to write a letter or make a phone call.
5. Your 5 year old is now a pre-teen who kicks you off the computer so he can talk to a girl.
4. Your family and friends feel more comfortable e-mailing you than they do talking to you in person.
3. The most important way of getting information to others in your dreams is through e-mail.
2. When you wake up in the morning you’re in the middle of a dream where you’re dating Richie Ryan and being chased through Paris by an army of watchers and spies.
1. You wake-up and the first thing you do is write a Top 10 HL list
Top 10 signs you’re a Redneck Immortal
from Iceadh (The Redneck Celtic) on 9 Dec 1996 on the Gathering forums
1. You’re sword is also the dip stick to your ’68 Chevy P/U
2. You think it’s funny when you heal right after a drinking related hunting accident.
3. You think road kill will just come back, so why not hit it.
4. You think the “Legend of Methos” is a hidden still in the woods you haven’t found
5. The last head you took was from an other Immie that knocked the sponge rollers from your hair
6. Your first head was over a dead rabbit, well you saw it on the road first!
7. You think the “buzz” is from the beer you’re drinking.
8. After a Quickening, you call the electric company and ask if you got charged for it.
9. You thing the “Gathering” is a new bar the next town over.
10. You think the “Watchers” are a group of beer drinking, channels surfing couch spuds.
11. You think that oter immortal you’ve heard tell of, Mac something, for his age, should learn how to talk!
Ways to Recognize Harem Members at ‘Cons
From Aine
10. Blue heart ROG t-shirts.
9. The incredibly attractive women with a mischievous gleam in their eyes accompanied by a blush or a sated expression.
8. They are in a circle chanting “The Alternative is Unthinkable.”
7. They are the crazy women who locked themselves in the sauna with PW.
6. You spot handcuff with dried frosting on them hanging out of one of their suitcases.
5. They are the ones in the gauzy veils.
4. You say Cassieho and a member says “That bitch. We locked her in the Dungeon.”
3. They are the ones throwing the “You’re not too Drunk to Float” pool party at 3 AM.
2. By the cases of frosting and cheap beer outside their rooms.
1. A blue tounge.