Three jobs I have had in my life: Shoe store clerk, Nurse’s Aide, Registered Nurse
Three movies I would watch over and over: Oscar, Smokin’ Aces, The Blues Brothers
Three places I have lived: Cookeville TN, Jonesborough TN, Memphis TN
Three shows that I watch: CSI: NY, NCIS, Criminal Minds
Three places I have been: San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta
Three people who e-mail me regularly: Debra, Heather, Bill
Three of my favorite foods: Fish & Chips, Huey’s Hamburgers, Enchiladas
Three places I’d rather be right now: in the mountains, by the river, dancing
Three friends I think will respond:: none
Three things I am looking forward to this year: Possibly move to Atlanta, Start traveling, spending more time with friends
Here’s what you’re supposed to do… And please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to A whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you.
* Don’t forget to send it back to the person who sent it to you.