Four question Psych Test
Cartoon Hero
Cartoon Hero
You know yourself, but you don\’t know where you\’re going, or what you want. Think of it this way… it could be worse.
How well do you remember the 80\’s?
Totally Awesome, Totally Tubular, T
Totally Awesome, Totally Tubular, T
You know every 80\’s song by heart, and will sing them on request. A day spent watching The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, Mr. Wizard, or Inspector Gadget would totally rock; and you know about \’I love the 80\’s\’, \’I love the 80\’s Strikes Back!\’, and \’I love the 80\’s: 3D\’ and wonder the the hell is taking so long for the next installment!
How Well Do You Know Disney\’s
You are a true Beauty!
You are a true Beauty!
Congratulations! You know Disney\’s \”Beauty and the Beast\” inside and out! You are officially considered a \”Beauty and the Beast\” expert by the ultimate expert herself! You are obviously someone beautiful inside and out! Belle would be proud.